" Elshayal Smart software is an almost First Arabian GIS software which completely
developed by Arabian developers team and independent of any commercial software package.
The software current Features are View and Edit shape files, build new layers, add existing
layers, remove layers, swap layers, save layers, set layer data sources, layer properties, zoom in
& zoom out, pan, identify, selecting features, invert selection, show data table, data query
builder, location query builder, build network, find shortest path, print map, save map image,
copy map image to clipboard, save project map, edit move vertex, edit move features, snap
vertexes, set vertex XY, move settings, converting coordinate system, applying VB script, copy
selected features to another layer, move selected features to another layer, delete selected
features, edit data table, modify table structure, edit map features, drawing new features, GPS
tracking, 3D view, etc... The software expected Features are: Viewing raster image and image
geo-referencing, read other map formats such as DXF Format and Tiger Line Format."
Pour plus d'informations visitez le site: http://www.smartwebonline.com/
developed by Arabian developers team and independent of any commercial software package.
The software current Features are View and Edit shape files, build new layers, add existing
layers, remove layers, swap layers, save layers, set layer data sources, layer properties, zoom in
& zoom out, pan, identify, selecting features, invert selection, show data table, data query
builder, location query builder, build network, find shortest path, print map, save map image,
copy map image to clipboard, save project map, edit move vertex, edit move features, snap
vertexes, set vertex XY, move settings, converting coordinate system, applying VB script, copy
selected features to another layer, move selected features to another layer, delete selected
features, edit data table, modify table structure, edit map features, drawing new features, GPS
tracking, 3D view, etc... The software expected Features are: Viewing raster image and image
geo-referencing, read other map formats such as DXF Format and Tiger Line Format."
Pour plus d'informations visitez le site: http://www.smartwebonline.com/